

Hui Lv


Email: huilu@sjtu.edu.cn


  • 生物信息、计算生物物理、生物统计、医学信息

  • 生物大分子结构、功能、动力学建模

  • 生物医学人工智能算法开发、知识图谱构建与智能推理、多模态数据分析


  • 美国伊利诺伊大学,博士, 导师:Klaus Schulten 教授


  • 2015.05 至今   上海交通大学生命学院生物信息与生物统计系,特聘教授

  • 2015.05 至今 上海交通大学转化医学研究院 交大耶鲁中心 联席主任


  1. scBERT as a large-scale pretrained deep language model for cell type annotation of single-cell RNA-seq data. Fan Yang, Wenchuan Wang, Fang Wang, Yuan Fang, Duyu Tang, Junzhou Huang, Hui Lu*, and Jianhua Yao*. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2022

  2. FVC as an adaptive and accurate method for filtering variants from popular NGS analysis pipelines. Yongyong Ren, Yan Kong, Xiaocheng Zhou, Georgi Z. Genchev, Chao Zhou, Hongyu Zhao* & Hui Lu*. Communications Biology, 2022

  3. RePhine: An Integrative Method for Identification of Drug Response-related Transcriptional Regulators. Xujun Wang, Zhengtao Zhang, Wenyi Qin, Shiyi Liu, Cong Liu, Georgi Z. Genchev, Lijian Hui, Hongyu Zhao*, Hui Lu*. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics,2021 (online March 10, 2021)

  4. Nuclear Segmentation in Histopathological Images Using Two-Stage Stacked U-Nets With Attention Mechanism. Yan Kong,  Georgi Z. Genchev , Xiaolei Wang,  Hongyu Zhao,  Hui Lu*. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2020

  5. Identification of human circadian genes based on time course gene expression profiles by using a deep learning method. Peng Cui,  Tingyan Zhong, Zhuo Wang, Tao Wang, Hongyu Zhao, Chenglin Liu*, Hui Lu*. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease. 2017

  6. Multi-omics facilitated variable selection in Cox-regression model for cancer prognosis prediction. Liu, Cong; Wang, Xujun; Genchev, Georgi Z.; Lu, Hui*. Methods, 2017

  7. Genome-wide Functional Annotation of Dual-Specificity Protein- and Lipid-Binding Modules that Regulate Protein Interactions. Yong Chen, Ren Sheng, Morten Kallberg, Antonina Silkov, Moe P. Tun, Nitin Bhardwaj, Svetlana Kurilova, Randy A. Hall, Barry Honig, Hui Lu* and Wonhwa Cho*. Molecular Cell 46, 226–237, April 27, 2012

  8. Template-based protein structure modeling using the RaptorX web server. Morten Kallberg; Haipeng Wang; Sheng Wang; Jian Peng; Zhiyong Wang; Hui Lu; Jinbo Xu. NATURE PROTOCOLS, V7, No 8, p1511-1522, AUG 2012